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The pions are great little particles because they are small enough to see how the excited states are structured as the total number of quarks is increased. And we can also notice some other details. For example, pions present an uncluttered relationship between baryonic quarks. There are no leptonic quarks in the ground states. Also, uniquely among all nuclear particles, $H-U =0$ for the negative pion. This makes makes $\pi ^{-}$ an especially pointy charge.
This datum has been assigned to its transition by Kramida et al. And all adjustable parameters have been vigorously twiddled to support that assignment. But still, the observation does not completely agree with the theory presented above. However, it surprisingly fits perfectly with calculations for the $4{\mathrm{P}}_{1/2} \! - \! 4{\mathrm{D}}_{3/2}$ transition, even within an experimental uncertainty that is 4 or 5 times tighter. So, is there some other explanation for the photon at 21.869 (cm)?
This photon illustrates a trade-off between accuracy and complexity. Substituting ${\mathrm{ln}} (\tilde{\mathrm{n}} \! - \! 1 )$ for $\tilde{{\mathrm{n}}}^{3}$ in the formula for $\Delta \rho$ gives results that represent all photons in this series to within experimental uncertainty. But I am still hoping that someone can make a geometrical version of $\Delta \rho$ that substitutes the volume $\tilde{V}$ for $\tilde{\mathrm{n}}^{3}$. And deploying a logarithm makes the theory less accessible to younger students. So for now we retain the simple but less accurate version.
Electrochemical quark distributions might be further constrained and explained by a requirement for equilibrium.
Aristotelian and doxographic versions of Anaxagoras' philosophy designate the fundamental components in his system as ὀμοιομερῆ or 'homoiomereses'. They cite examples such as flesh, marrow and bone. The binary aspect of description seems to have been lost, or glossed over. So it might be fun to hunt for some correspondence between Aristotle's homoiomereses and composite particles where opposing seeds are combined.
Well Covid19 has arrived, bringing many changes to our lives. WikiMechanics is already on-line and accessible from home, but catastrophic illness is lurking about, so here is a management plan.
Currently, all administration is being done by me, TB Cave. I am elderly, and in poor health. So if I get sick in the first wave, I am not going to the hospital. I nominate Michał Frąckowiak (contact: michal-frackowiak) to take responsibility if I drop-out.
There are also nine domain-names associated with WikiMechanics. I hereby instruct my executor(s) to give these assets to Michał Frąckowiak if he wants them. Here is a list
This plan is good enough for a quick and crude transfer of responsibility. But we can do better if the generational change can be spread over a few years. Ideally, more of the thousands of readers who visit WikiMechanics could decide to become members. They are welcome to organize themselves, and to choose a Founding Editor. Then I would step back, and younger people can take over. I guess that the next level might include professionalizing and monetizing the site.
Whatever the case, I hope you all stay healthy and strong.
I recently came across this great old Physical Science Study Committee film starring my senior colleague, Professor Pat Hume. I first saw it when I was in high school. It sparked a lot of goofy teen-age conversation with friends along the lines of, ‘How do you know you’re not really upside-down?’ That was 1975, but here it is again on YouTube. And it’s still interesting … Frames of Reference (1960)
Sorry, but I'm not invested in this nearly as much as you. Goodbye.
Well the premise here is that concepts of mass, length and time are not satisfactory because they are mysteriously received, not based on empirical evidence. So the point of this wiki is to develop definitions for these ideas from a discussion of sensation.
It would be very interesting if you write down the "strictly scientific" definitions for these terms that you mention. I invite you to use the Premise Critique page.
How is this in any way related to physics? This is metaphysics, and it's not built on a very good philosophy of mind, either. And what's with the complete disregard for well-defined, strictly scientific terms being used as barely related buzzwords based on vague "definitions" of various sensations?
Okay, I've tidied this up. And as per your other suggestion, the term acoustic has been replaced with the more general word somatic.
" … You’ve described your previous terms (e.g. sensations, seeds) in layperson’s terms with impressive clarity. But suddenly what to a layperson seems to be highly technical physics jargon – i.e. quarks – comes out of the blue, and much of it being used in somewhat idiosyncratic fashion. And so does a whole swatch of attendant physics-based detail such as specific values for baryon and lepton numbers. Also, as of yet I still don’t get the relationship between your analysis of sensation and the values for these standards of measurement. … "
It's been years since I wrote that, and I can't remember exactly what I had in mind other than some notion of comparing thermal and visual sensations very generally with acoustic perceptions. After thinking your question over for a while, I think that I may have originally been too restrictive. The key point about standards is not what they are, but more importantly that they just don't change very often. So let's take out the 'acoustic' requirement. I don't think that will diminish the central idea that we just start imposing calibrated measurement on the squirming mess of raw sensation.
Yes, there is some muddle about this. And I expect there will always be a bit of fuzziness because our senses do not really come to us in logically distinct categories. For example, you actually can 'see' sunshine on the back of your neck if it is bright enough. And you actually can 'hear' music through the soles of your feet if it is loud enough. Categorical analysis is something we impose on the sensorium.
Still, your point is well-taken. And now I am rewriting this article to try to carve things up more clearly. After reviewing a few dictionaries, I think you're correct to question the use of the term 'acoustic'. It's too specific. What I really want is something more like: somatic-pressure. Or somatic-everything-but-thermal. I'll keep looking for a good word. Meanwhile, maybe we can get by with just 'somatic'.
An independent glossary tied to the logical structure of the mathematical definitions has been set up for the first four chapters. Now that the associated lists and templates have been established, it should be pretty straightforward to extend this to more recent articles as they become sufficiently stable. So next-up is a rewrite of these first chapters to strip-out any redundant defining and to enhance explaining. Based on recent forum comments these articles need to be filled out with …
Well, that should blow away the rest of January, and possibly other chunks of 2013.
Hi Tom,
I'm flummoxed by the brief explanation accompanying the equation of how the norm of the angular momentum is related to the spin σ.
On the classification of quarks page, you define dynamic quarks as those connected with audio-visual sensations. Yet, in the rows above acoustic sensations (which are presumably part of the construction of each of the individual quarks and anti-quarks) are explicitly mentioned. And acoustic sensations are explicitly mentioned in the corresponding definition of baryonic quarks. Don't understand this apparent contradiction.
Hi Tom,
It seems to you get tied up with the sensory ambiguities of specific and thermal energy in your particles section (and why is so much of this section not done in the usual slide to slide progression — this stuff seems incredibly important?) when this discussion leads to a discussion of particle values for both internal energy and temperature where we have perfectly legimate 'objectified' results for the various particles available. Shouldn't more weight be given to Schrödinger's notion of objectification here? It would seem that one of the main purposes of objectification is to deal with exactly these sorts of ambiguities. But maybe I'm missing something…