Here is an alphabetically ordered list of terms that are specifically defined for the first few chapters of WikiMechanics. To see this list in logical order, click here.
Verb | Definition | |
Absorption | $n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{P}_{ \it{i}} \right) = n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{P}_{ \it{f}} \right) - n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{X} \right) \ \ \forall \sf{q}$ | 6-16 |
Noun | Definition | |
Acidic Seed | Ⓐ ≣ objectified tart taste sensation | 3-16 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Anaxagorean Sensation | $\delta = \pm 1 \; \sf{\text{for one of}} \; \delta_{\it{e}}, \delta_{\it{m}}, \delta_{\it{w}}, \delta_{\tau}, \delta_{\it{T}}, \delta_{\sf{H}}, \delta_{\sf{I}} , \delta_{\sf{S}} \; \sf{\text{or }} \delta^{*}$ | 2-12 |
Verb | Definition | |
Annihilation | $\Delta n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{P}_{\it{f}} \right) = 0 \ \ \forall \sf{q}$ | 6-17 |
Noun | Definition | |
Anti-Particle | $\sf{\overline{P}} \equiv \sf{\text{exchange of quarks and anti-quarks}}$ | 4-2 |
Noun | Definition | |
Aqueous Seed | Ⓦ ≣ objectified potable taste sensation | 3-19 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Audibility | $\varepsilon \equiv 2 {\large{\mid}} \, \delta^{*} {\large{\mid}} -1$ | 4-6 |
Noun | Definition | |
Baryon | $B \ne 0 \ \ \text{and} \ \ L = 0$ | 4-17 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Baryon Number | $\begin{align} B\equiv \frac{ {\Delta}n^{\mathsf{T}}-{\Delta}n^{\mathsf{B}}-{\Delta}n^{\mathsf{C}}+{\Delta}n^{\mathsf{S}} }{ 8 } \end{align}$ | 4-14 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Baryonic Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified thermal sensations.}}$ | 3-28 |
Noun | Definition | |
Basic Seed | Ⓑ ≣ objectified soapy taste sensation | 3-17 |
Noun | Definition | |
Binary Descriptors | $\sf{\text{A mutually exclusive pair of characteristics.}}$ | 2-1 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Blood Constant | ${\sf{\text{Vacuum Magnetic Permeability}}} \\ \mu _{\sf{o}} = 4 \pi \times 10^{-7} \; \; \; \left( \sf{N} \cdot \sf{A^{-2}} \right)$ | 1-4 |
Noun | Definition | |
Boson | $𝘑 \, = \sf{\text{ an integer}}$ | 4-20 |
Noun | Definition | |
Bottom Anti-quark | $\sf{\overline{b}} \equiv \{ \sf{B}, \sf{\overline{O}} \}$ | 3-37 |
Noun | Definition | |
Bottom Quark | $\sf{b} \equiv \{ \sf{B}, \sf{O} \}$ | 3-38 |
Noun | Definition | |
Bottom Seed | $\sf{B} \equiv \sf{\text{ an objectified freezing sensation}}$ | 3-11 |
Noun | Definition | |
Bundle | $\sf{\text{an orbit composed of Anaxagorean sensations}}$ | 2-16 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Celsius Temperature | $\begin{align} T \sf{(ºC)} \equiv \mathit{ \frac{ \mathrm{2} }{Nk_{B}} \sum_{i\sf{=1}}^{N} \varepsilon ^{\it{i}} \it{\hat{K}}^{\it{i}} } \end{align}$ | 4-9 |
Noun | Definition | |
Centered Particle | $N^{\mathsf{A}} = N^{\mathsf{M}} \; \; \; \; \; \; {\sf{\text{and}}} \; \; \; \; \; \; N^{\mathsf{G}}= N^{\mathsf{E}}$ | 5-37 |
Noun | Definition | |
Centripetal Component of the Quark Metric | $k_{zz} \equiv 1$ | 5-16 |
Noun | Definition | |
Chain of Events | $\Psi \equiv\sf{\text{an ordered set of events. }}$ | 2-14 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Charge | $\begin{align} q \equiv \frac{ {\Delta}n^{\mathsf{T}}-{\Delta}n^{\mathsf{B}}+{\Delta}n^{\mathsf{C}}-{\Delta}n^{\mathsf{S}} }{8} \end{align}$ | 4-12 |
Noun | Definition | |
Charmed Anti-quark | $\sf{\overline{c}} \equiv \{ \sf{C}, \sf{\overline{O}} \}$ | 3-39 |
Noun | Definition | |
Charmed Quark | $\sf{c} \equiv \{ \sf{C}, \sf{O} \}$ | 3-40 |
Noun | Definition | |
Charmed Seed | $\sf{C} \equiv \sf{\text{ objectified warm sensation}}$ | 3-13 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Chemical Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified taste sensations.}}$ | 3-34 |
Noun | Definition | |
Chemical Quark | $\sf{\text{The union of a conjugate seed}} \\ \sf{\text{with a chemical seed.}}$ | 3-55 |
Noun | Definition | |
Chemical Radius | $\begin{align} \rho_{\sf{chem}} \equiv \frac{H_{\sf{chem}}}{k_{\sf{F}}} \end{align}$ | 5-2 |
Noun | Definition | |
Clock | $\mathbf{\Theta} \equiv \sf{\text{an set of sensations used to tell time. }}$ | 6-1 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Coldness | $\delta_{T} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 &\sf{\text{if a thermal sensation is freezing }} \\ \; \; 0 &\sf{\text{if a sensation is not thermally dangerous }} \\ -1 &\sf{\text{if a thermal sensation is burning }} \end{cases}$ | 2-5 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Conjugate Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified somatic sensations.}}$ | 3-27 |
adjective | Definition | |
Conjugate Difference | $\begin{align} \Delta \hspace{-2px} U^{\sf{Z}} \equiv \frac{U^{\sf{\overline{z}}} - \, U^{\sf{z}}}{2} \end{align}$ | 4-8 |
Noun | Definition | |
Constant | $\sf{\text{A number used to represent a reference sensation. }}$ | 1-2 |
Verb | Definition | |
Cooling Process | $T_{ \it{f}} < T _{\it{i}}$ | 6-21 |
Noun | Definition | |
Day | One cycle of a solar clock. | 6-12 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Density | $\begin{align} \varrho \equiv \frac{ m c^{2} }{ \parallel \overline{\rho} \parallel } \end{align}$ | 8-3 |
Noun | Definition | |
Dextro Seed | Ⓓ ≣ objectified sugary taste sensation | 3-20 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Direction of Time | $\epsilon_{t}^{\, \sf{ P}}\equiv \, \delta _{ t}^{\, \sf{ P}} \! \cdot \delta _{ t}^{\sf{\, Earth}}$ | 6-6 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Distinct Sensations | $\sf{\text{ are separate, different and distinguishable}}$ | 2-11 |
Noun | Definition | |
Down Anti-quark | $\sf{\overline{d}} \equiv \{ \sf{D}, \sf{\overline{O}} \}$ | 3-41 |
Noun | Definition | |
Down Quark | $\sf{d} \equiv \{ \sf{D}, \sf{O} \}$ | 3-42 |
Noun | Definition | |
Down Seed | $\sf{D} \equiv \sf{\text{ objectified black sensation}}$ | 3-5 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Dry Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified sour taste sensations.}}$ | 3-30 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Dynamic Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified visual sensations.}}$ | 3-26 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Earth Constants | ${\sf{\text{Planck's constant}}} \; h \\ {\sf{\text{Quark Metric}}} \; k_{\alpha \beta} ^{ \mathbb{Q} }$ | 1-12 |
Noun | Definition | |
Electric Axis Unit Vector | $\hat{e} \equiv (0, 1, 0)$ | 5-13 |
Noun | Definition | |
Electric Component of Quark Metric | $k_{ee} = -0.0152286648$ | 5-17 |
Noun | Definition | |
Electric Radius | $\begin{align} \rho_{e} \equiv \frac{ {\Delta}n^{ \mathsf{G}} U^{ \mathsf{G}} - {\Delta}n^{ \mathsf{E}} U^{ \mathsf{E}} }{ k_{\sf{F}} } \end{align}$ | 5-4 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Electrochemical Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified sour and salty taste sensations.}}$ | 3-33 |
Noun | Definition | |
Electromagnetic Component of Quark Metric | $k_{em} = -0.9292374609$ | 5-19 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Electronic Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified yellow and blue sensations.}}$ | 3-23 |
Noun | Definition | |
Electroweak Component of Quark Metric | $k_{ez} = 1.5428187522$ | 5-21 |
Verb | Definition | |
Emission | $n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{P}_{ \it{i}} \right) = n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{P}_{ \it{f}} \right) + n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{X} \right) \ \ \forall \sf{q}$ | 6-15 |
Noun | Definition | |
Enthalpy | $\begin{align} H \equiv \sum_{\zeta =1}^{16} \Delta n^{\zeta} U^{\zeta} \end{align}$ | 5-1 |
Noun | Definition | |
Event | $\sf{P}_{\it{k}} \equiv \sf{\text{a discrete occurrence, experience or incident. }}$ | 2-13 |
Noun | Definition | |
Fermion | $𝘑 \, = \sf{\text{ an integer plus one half}}$ | 4-21 |
Noun | Definition | |
Final Event | The event with the highest event-index in a historically ordered pair of events. |
6-9 |
Noun | Definition | |
Free Particle | $\lvert \Delta n^{\sf{D}} \rvert ≳ 8 \ \ \ \ \ {\sf{\text{and}}} \ \ \ \ \ N^{\sf{D}} \! \to ∞$ | 5-10 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Full Width | $\begin{align} \varGamma \equiv \frac{h}{2 \pi \tau} \end{align}$ | 8-6 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Gold Constant | ${\sf{\text{Vacuum Electric Permittivity}}} \\ \epsilon_{\sf{o}} = 8.8 \times 10^{-12} \; \; \left( \sf{F} \cdot \sf{m^{-1}} \right)$ | 1-5 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Heart Constant | ${\sf{\text{Time Units Conversion Factor}}} \\ N_{\sf{\Omega}}^{ \mathbf{\Theta}} \equiv 86,400 \; \; \sf{\text{(seconds/day)}}$ | 1-8 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Helicity | $\delta _{z} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 \; \; &\sf{\text{if}} \; \; &N^{\mathsf{U}} \; > \; N^{\mathsf{D}} \\ \; \; 0 \; \; &\sf{\text{if}} \; \; &N^{\mathsf{U}} \; = \, N^{\mathsf{D}} \\ -1 \; \; &\sf{\text{if}} \; \; &N^{\mathsf{U}} \; < \; N^{\mathsf{D}} \end{cases}$ | 5-38 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Historical Order | $\epsilon_{t} = 1$ | 6-7 |
Adjective | Definition | |
History | $\sf{\text{A chain of events that is in historical order.}}$ | 6-10 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Honey Constants | ${\sf{\text{Supplementary Fine Structure Constants}}} \\ k_{\sf{\, dextro}} \! = \; ? {\sf{ \; (neV) \; \; \; \; and}} \; \; \; \; k_{\sf{\, levo}} \! = \; ? {\sf{ \; (µeV) }}$ | 1-11 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Ice Constant | ${\sf{\text{Freezing Point of Water}}} \\ T^{\sf{b}} = 0 \ \ \text{(℃)}$ | 1-6 |
Noun | Definition | |
Initial Event | The event with the lowest event-index in a historically ordered pair of events. |
6-8 |
Noun | Definition | |
Inner Product | $\hspace{-150px} \overline{a} \bullet \overline{b} = k_{mm} a_{m} b_{m} + k_{ee} a_{e} b_{e} + k_{zz} a_{z} b_{z} + 2 k_{em} a_{m} b_{e} + 2k_{mz} a_{m} b_{z} + 2 k_{ez} a_{e} b_{z}$ | 5-23 |
Noun | Definition | |
Inner Radius | $\begin{align} \rho_{\LARGE{\bullet}} \equiv \frac{ \lvert \Delta n^{\sf{D}} \rvert }{8} \sqrt{ \frac{hc}{ 2 \pi k_{\sf{F}}} \vphantom{\frac{hc}{ k_{\sf{F}}}^2} } \end{align}$ | 5-6 |
Noun | Definition | |
Inorganic Visual Sensation | $\sf{\text{Any yellowish or bluish visual sensation.}}$ | 1-14 |
Verb | Definition | |
Interaction | $n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{P}_{\it{i}} \right) \ne n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{P}_{ \it{f}} \right)$ | 6-13 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Internal Energy | $\begin{align} U \equiv \sum_{i \, \sf{=1}}^{N} \varepsilon_{\it{i}} \hat{E}_{\it{i}} \end{align}$ | 4-7 |
Noun | Definition | |
Ionic Seed | Ⓘ ≣ objectified brackish taste sensation | 3-18 |
Verb | Definition | |
Isolation | $n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{P}_{\it{i}} \right) = n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{P}_{ \it{f}} \right) \ \ \forall \sf{q}$ | 6-14 |
Verb | Definition | |
Isothermal Process | $T_{ \it{f}} = T _{\it{i}}$ | 6-20 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Lemon Constant | $\sf{\text{a number associated with sour taste sensations}}$ | 1-9 |
Noun | Definition | |
Lepton | $B=0 \ \ \text{and} \ \ L \ne 0$ | 4-16 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Lepton Number | $\begin{align} L\equiv \frac{ {\Delta}n^{\mathsf{G}}-{\Delta}n^{\mathsf{E}}+{\Delta}n^{\mathsf{M}}-{\Delta}n^{\mathsf{A}} }{8} \end{align}$ | 4-13 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Leptonic Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified yellow, blue, red and green sensations.}}$ | 3-25 |
Noun | Definition | |
Levo Seed | Ⓛ ≣ objectified savory taste sensation | 3-21 |
Noun | Definition | |
Magnetic Axis Unit Vector | $\hat{m} \equiv (1, 0, 0)$ | 5-12 |
Noun | Definition | |
Magnetic Component of Quark Metric | $k_{mm} = 0.7453740340$ | 5-18 |
Noun | Definition | |
Magnetic Radius | $\begin{align} \rho_{ m} \equiv \frac{ {\Delta}n^{ \mathsf{A}} U^{ \mathsf{A}} - {\Delta}n^{ \mathsf{M}} U^{ \mathsf{M}} }{ k_{\sf{F}} } \end{align}$ | 5-3 |
Noun | Definition | |
Magnetoweak Component of Quark Metric | $k_{mz} = -1.2742065050$ | 5-20 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Mass | $\begin{align} m \equiv \frac{1}{ c^{2} } \sqrt{ \: H^{2} - W^{2} \; \vphantom{ {\Sigma^{2}}^{2} } } \end{align}$ | 8-2 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Mean Life | $\tau \equiv k_{\tau} e^{ -T}$ | 8-5 |
Noun | Definition | |
Meson | $B=0 \ \ \text{and} \ \ L = 0$ | 4-18 |
Noun | Definition | |
Moist Sensation | $\sf{\text{Any taste sensation similar to a drink of water.}}$ | 1-16 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Muonic Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified red and green sensations.}}$ | 3-24 |
Noun | Definition | |
Negative Anti-quark | $\sf{\overline{e}} \equiv \{ \sf{E}, \sf{\overline{O}} \}$ | 3-43 |
Noun | Definition | |
Negative Quark | $\sf{e} \equiv \{ \sf{E}, \sf{O} \}$ | 3-44 |
Noun | Definition | |
Negative Seed | $\sf{E} \equiv \sf{\text{ objectified yellow sensation}}$ | 3-6 |
Noun | Definition | |
Neutral Particle | $q=0$ | 4-19 |
Noun | Definition | |
Non-Rotating Particles | $N^{ \mathsf{U}} = N^{ \mathsf{D}}$ | 5-31 |
Noun | Definition | |
Norm | $\hspace{-150px} {\large{\parallel}} \, \overline{\rho} \, {\large{\parallel}} \equiv \sqrt{ \ {\large{\rvert}} \, k_{mm} \rho_{m}^{2} + k_{ee} \rho_{e}^{2} + k_{zz} \rho_{z}^{2} + 2 k_{me} \rho_{m} \rho_{e} + 2k_{mz}\rho_{m} \rho_{z} + 2 k_{ez}\rho_{e} \rho_{z} \, {\large{\rvert}} \ } \, \, \,$ | 5-22 |
Noun | Definition | |
Northern Anti-quark | $\sf{\overline{m}} \equiv \{ \sf{M}, \sf{\overline{O}} \}$ | 3-47 |
Noun | Definition | |
Northern Quark | $\sf{m} \equiv \{ \sf{M}, \sf{O} \}$ | 3-48 |
Noun | Definition | |
Northern Seed | $\sf{M} \equiv \sf{\text{ objectified green sensation}}$ | 3-8 |
Noun | Definition | |
Nuclear Particle | A highly symmetric bundle of up to a few hundred thermodynamic quarks. | 8-1 |
Noun | Definition | |
Object | $\sf{\text{Anything that may be perceived by the senses.}}$ | 3-2 |
Noun | Definition | |
Objectification | $\sf{\text{Adoption of communal standards to describe experience.}}$ | 3-1 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Ocean Constant | $\sf{\text{a number associated with salty taste sensations}}$ | 1-10 |
Noun | Definition | |
Odd Seed | $\sf{\overline{O}} \equiv \sf{\text{ objectified left-side sensation}}$ | 3-15 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Oddness | $\delta^{*} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 &\sf{\text{if a somatic sensation is on the left side }} \\ \; \; 0 &\sf{\text{if a sensation is not somatic }} \\ -1 &\sf{\text{if a somatic sensation is on the right side }} \end{cases}$ | 2-7 |
Noun | Definition | |
Orbit | $\sf{\Omega} \equiv \sf{\text{one cycle in a repetitive chain of events.}}$ | 2-15 |
Noun | Definition | |
Ordinary Seed | $\sf{O} \equiv \sf{\text{ objectified right-side sensation}}$ | 3-14 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Orthogonal | $\overline{a} \bullet \overline{b} = 0$ | 5-24 |
Noun | Definition | |
Organic Visual Sensation | $\sf{\text{Any reddish or greenish visual sensation.}}$ | 1-13 |
Noun | Definition | |
Outer Radius | $\begin{align} \rho_{\LARGE{\circ}} \equiv \frac{N^{\sf{D}}}{8} \sqrt{ \frac{hc}{ 2 \pi k_{\sf{F}}} \vphantom{\frac{hc}{2 \pi k_{\sf{F}}}^2} } \end{align}$ | 5-7 |
Verb | Definition | |
Pair Production | $\Delta n^{\sf{q}} \left( \sf{P}_{\it{i}} \right) = 0 \ \ \forall \sf{q}$ | 6-18 |
Noun | Definition | |
Particle | $\sf{P} \equiv \sf{\text{a collection of quarks}}$ | 4-1 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Phase | $\delta_{\theta}^{\, \sf{P}} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 &\sf{\text{if}} \ \ \mathbf{\Theta} \ \ \sf{\text{is spin-up}} \\ \ \ 0 &\sf{\text{if}} \ \ \mathbf{\Theta} \ \ \text{is not rotating} \\ -1 &\sf{\text{if}} \ \ \mathbf{\Theta} \ \ \text{is spin-down} \end{cases}$ | 6-22 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Phase Anti-Symmetry | $\sf{P}_{\LARGE{\circ}} = \overline{\sf{P} _{\LARGE{\bullet}}}$ | 6-23 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Phase Symmetry | $\sf{P}_{\LARGE{\circ}} = \sf{P}_{\LARGE{\bullet}}$ | 6-24 |
Noun | Definition | |
Polar Axis Unit Vector | $\hat{z} \equiv (0, 0, 1)$ | 5-14 |
Noun | Definition | |
Polar Radius | $\begin{align} \rho_{z} \equiv \, \rho_{\sf{chem}} + \frac{{\Delta}n^{\mathsf{U}} U^{\mathsf{U}} - {\Delta}n^{\mathsf{D}} U^{\mathsf{D}}}{k_{\sf{F}}} \end{align}$ | 5-5 |
Noun | Definition | |
Positive Anti-quark | $\sf{\overline{g}} \equiv \{ \sf{G}, \sf{\overline{O}} \}$ | 3-45 |
Noun | Definition | |
Positive Quark | $\sf{g} \equiv \{ \sf{G}, \sf{O} \}$ | 3-46 |
Noun | Definition | |
Positive Seed | $\sf{G} \equiv \sf{\text{ objectified blue sensation}}$ | 3-7 |
Adjectives | Definition | |
Quantum Numbers | $\sf{\text{Numbers used to identify particles.}}$ | 4-10 |
Adjectives | Definition | |
Quark Coefficients | $n \; \; {\sf{\text{and}}} \; \; N \; \; \sf{\text{count the number of quarks in a particle}}$ | 4-3 |
Noun | Definition | |
Quark Index | $\zeta \; \; \sf{\text{is a number representing quark class. }}$ | 3-56 |
Noun | Definition | |
Quark Metric | $\begin{align} k_{\alpha \beta} ^{ \mathbb{Q} } \equiv \frac{ \chi_{\alpha \beta} ^{ \sf{Earth}} }{ \chi_{zz} ^{ \sf{Earth}} } \end{align}$ | 5-15 |
Noun | Definition | |
Quark Space | $\mathbb{Q} = \left\{ \overline{\rho}^{ 1 }, \ \overline{\rho}^{2}, \ \overline{\rho}^{3} \ldots \ \overline{\rho}^{\, k} \ldots \ \overline{\rho}^{\, N} \right\}$ | 5-11 |
Noun | Definition | |
Radius Vector | $\overline{\rho} \equiv \left( \rho_{ m}, \rho_{e}, \rho_{ z} \right)$ | 5-8 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Redness | $\delta_{m} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 &\sf{\text{if a visual sensation is reddish }} \\ \; \; 0 &\sf{\text{if a sensation is not reddish or greenish }} \\ -1 &\sf{\text{if a visual sensation is greenish }} \end{cases}$ | 2-3 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Reference Sensations | $\sf{\text{Standards to judge and recognize all perceptions.}}$ | 1-1 |
Noun | Definition | |
Reference Frame | A particle, usually large, that is used to make comparative descriptions. |
6-2 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Relative Descriptions | $\sf{\text{Descriptions made in comparison with a reference frame.}}$ | 6-3 |
Noun | Definition | |
Rigid Particle | $\overline{\rho} \ \ {\sf\text{has the same value for all events} }$ | 5-9 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Rotating Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified black and white sensations.}}$ | 3-22 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Saltiness | $\delta_{\sf{I}} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 &\sf{\text{if a moist taste sensation is brackish }} \\ \; \; 0 &\sf{\text{if a sensation is not moist }} \\ -1 &\sf{\text{if a moist taste sensation is potable }} \end{cases}$ | 2-9 |
Noun | Definition | |
Seed | $\sf{Z} \equiv \sf{\text{objectified Anaxagorean sensation }}$ | 3-3 |
Noun | Definition | |
Solar Clock | A clock that depends on visual sensations from the Sun. | 6-11 |
Noun | Definition | |
Somatic Sensation | $\sf{\text{Any perception of touch, pressure, sound or hearing.}}$ | 1-15 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Sourness | $\delta_{\sf{H}} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 &\sf{\text{if a sour taste sensation is tart }} \\ \; \; 0 &\sf{\text{if a sensation is not sour }} \\ -1 &\sf{\text{if a sour taste sensation is soapy }} \end{cases}$ | 2-8 |
Noun | Definition | |
Southern Anti-quark | $\sf{\overline{a}} \equiv \{ \sf{A}, \sf{\overline{O}} \}$ | 3-35 |
Noun | Definition | |
Southern Quark | $\sf{a} \equiv \{ \sf{A}, \sf{O} \}$ | 3-36 |
Noun | Definition | |
Southern Seed | $\sf{A} \equiv \sf{\text{ objectified red sensation}}$ | 3-9 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Specific Energy | $\begin{align} \hat{E} \left( \sf{Z} \right) \equiv \frac { \it{a} } { \it{b} } \it k_{C} \end{align}$ | 4-4 |
Noun | Definition | |
Spin-Down Particles | $N^{ \mathsf{U}} < N^{ \mathsf{D}}$ | 5-32 |
Noun | Definition | |
Spin-Up Particles | $N^{ \mathsf{U}} > N^{ \mathsf{D}}$ | 5-30 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Steam Constant | ${\sf{\text{Boiling Point of Water}}} \\ T^{\sf{c}} = 100 \ \ \text{(℃)}$ | 1-7 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Stereochemical Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified sweet taste sensations.}}$ | 3-32 |
Noun | Definition | |
Strange Anti-quark | $\sf{\overline{s}} \equiv \{ \sf{S}, \sf{\overline{O}} \}$ | 3-49 |
Noun | Definition | |
Strange Quark | $\sf{s} \equiv \{ \sf{S}, \sf{O} \}$ | 3-50 |
Noun | Definition | |
Strange Seed | $\sf{S} \equiv \sf{\text{ objectified cool sensation}}$ | 3-12 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Strangeness | $\begin{align} S\equiv \frac{ {\Delta}n^{\mathsf{D}}-{\Delta}n^{\mathsf{U}}- \mid n^{\mathsf{u}}-n^{\bar{\mathsf{d}}} \mid + \mid n^{\mathsf{d}}-n^{\mathsf{\bar{u}}} \mid \, }{8} \end{align}$ | 4-15 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Sun Constant | ${\sf{\text{Mean Internal Energy of Down Quarks}}} \\ {\mathit{Ũ}}^{\sf{D}} = -27 \, \left( \sf{\text{µeV}} \right) \; \simeq 0 \, \left( \sf{\text{MeV}} \right)$ | 1-3 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Sweetness | $\delta_{\sf{S}} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 &\sf{\text{if a sweet taste sensation is sugary }} \\ \; \; 0 &\sf{\text{if a sensation is not sweet }} \\ -1 &\sf{\text{if a sweet taste sensation is savory }} \end{cases}$ | 2-10 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Temporal Orientation | $\delta _{ \it{t}} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 &\sf{\text{if}} \; \; \; \it{N}^{\, \sf{T}} \sf{+} \, \it{N}^{\, \sf{C}} \; \; \sf{>} \; \; \it{N}^{\sf{\, B}} \sf{+} \, \it{N}^{\sf{\, S}} \\ \; \; 0 &\sf{\text{if}} \; \; \; \it{N}^{\sf{\, T}} \sf{+} \, \it{N}^{\sf{\, C}} \; \; \sf{=} \; \; \it{N}^{\sf{\, B}} \sf{+} \, \it{N}^{\sf{\, S}} \\ -1 &\sf{\text{if}} \; \; \; \it{N}^{\sf{\, T}} \sf{+} \, \it{N}^{\sf{\, C}} \; \; \sf{<} \; \; \it{N}^{\sf{\, B}} \sf{+} \, \it{N}^{\sf{\, S}} \end{cases}$ | 6-4 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Tepid | $\delta _{ \it{t}} =0$ | 6-5 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Thermodynamic Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified thermal and visual sensations.}}$ | 3-29 |
Noun | Definition | |
Thermodynamic Quark | $\sf{\text{The union of a conjugate seed}} \\ \sf{\text{with a thermodynamic seed.}}$ | 3-34 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Thermodynamic Temperature | $T \sf{(K)} \ \equiv \ \mathit{T} \sf{(ºC)} + \mathrm{273.15}$ | 8-4 |
Noun | Definition | |
Top Anti-quark | $\sf{\overline{t}} \equiv \{ \sf{T}, \sf{\overline{O}} \}$ | 3-51 |
Noun | Definition | |
Top Quark | $\sf{t} \equiv \{ \sf{T}, \sf{O} \}$ | 3-52 |
Noun | Definition | |
Top Seed | $\sf{T} \equiv \sf{\text{ objectified burning sensation}}$ | 3-10 |
Noun | Definition | |
Total Angular Momentum Vector | $\begin{align} &\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {\rm{\overline{J}}} \equiv \left( {\rm{J}}_{m} , \ {\rm{J}}_{e} , \ {\rm{J}}_{z} \right) \ \ \ \ \ \ \sf{\text{where}} \\ \ \\ \ \\ {\rm{J}}_{m} &\equiv \delta _{\hat{m}} \frac{h}{\mathrm{16} \pi} \sqrt{ \left( N^{\mathsf{A}}-N^{\mathsf{M}} \right)^{2} + 8 \, {\large{\mid}} N^{\mathsf{A}}-N^{\mathsf{M}} {\large{\mid}} \; } \\ \ \\ \ \\ {\rm{J}}_{e} &\equiv \delta _{\hat{e}} \frac{h}{\mathrm{16} \pi} \sqrt{ \left( N^{\mathsf{G}}-N^{\mathsf{E}} \right)^{2} + 8 \, {\large{\mid}} N^{\mathsf{G}}-N^{\mathsf{E}} {\large{\mid}} \; } \\ \ \\ \ \\ {\rm{J}}_{z} &\equiv \delta _{z} \frac{h}{\mathrm{16} \pi} \sqrt{ \left( N^{\mathsf{U}}-N^{\mathsf{D}} \right)^{2} + 8 \, {\large{\mid}} N^{\mathsf{U}}-N^{\mathsf{D}} {\large{\mid}} \; } \end{align}$ | 5-40 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Total Angular Momentum Quantum Number | $\begin{align} 𝘑 \equiv \frac{ \, {\large{\mid}} \, N^{\mathsf{U}} \! -N^{\mathsf{D}} {\large{\mid}} \, }{8} \end{align}$ | 4-11 |
Noun | Definition | |
Up Anti-quark | $\sf{\overline{u}} \equiv \{ \sf{U}, \sf{\overline{O}} \}$ | 3-53 |
Noun | Definition | |
Up Quark | $\sf{u} \equiv \{ \sf{U}, \sf{O} \}$ | 3-54 |
Noun | Definition | |
Up Seed | $\sf{U} \equiv \sf{\text{ objectified white sensation}}$ | 3-4 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Vis Viva | $\begin{align} \hat{K} \left( \sf{Z} \right) \equiv \frac { \it{a} } { \it{b} } \it k_{T} \end{align}$ | 4-5 |
Verb | Definition | |
Warming Process | $T_{ \it{f}} > T _{\it{i}}$ | 6-19 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Warmness | $\delta_{\tau} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 &\sf{\text{if a thermal sensation is warm }} \\ \; \; 0 &\sf{\text{if a sensation is not thermally safe }} \\ -1 &\sf{\text{if a thermal sensation is cool }} \end{cases}$ | 2-6 |
Nouns | Definition | |
Wet Seeds | $\sf{\text{Objectified moist taste sensations.}}$ | 3-31 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Whiteness | $\delta_{w} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 &\sf{\text{if a visual sensation is whitish}} \\ \; \; 0 &\sf{\text{if a sensation is not greyish }} \\ -1 &\sf{\text{if a visual sensation is blackish }} \end{cases}$ | 2-2 |
Noun | Definition | |
Work | $W \equiv \, \parallel \overline{\rho} \parallel k_{\sf{F}}$ | 5-25 |
Adjective | Definition | |
Yellowness | $\delta_{e} \equiv \begin{cases} +1 &\sf{\text{if a visual sensation is yellowish }} \\ \; \; 0 &\sf{\text{if a sensation is not yellowish or bluish }} \\ -1 &\sf{\text{if a visual sensation is bluish }} \end{cases}$ | 2-4 |